
Positioned at the crossroads of the continents of Europe, Africa and Asia, Cyprus is an ideal investment gateway to the European Union, as well as a platform for investment outside the EU, particularly into the Middle East, India and China.

A full EU member state since 2004 and a eurozone member since 2008, Cyprus is a modern, cosmopolitan, transparent business centre offering investment opportunities across a wide range of sectors. The Cyprus legal system is based on English Common Law principles and is widely recognised to provide reliability in business practices.

Key advantages of Cyprus include: attractive tax system with one of the lowest corporate income tax rates in the EU; an extensive double tax treaty network; good ease of doing business; effective regulation; advanced infrastructure and communications; human talent; and low set-up and operational costs.

A rapidly growing start-up ecosystem and a range of incentives make Cyprus a good platform for starting and scaling innovative and tech companies. Applied research is encouraged through EU or national funding and an attractive Intellectual Property (IP) box, while research centres are established in all major cities.

Cyprus is an important international venue for wealth-holding structures, offering both common law trusts and civil law foundations. The International Trusts Law, in particular, provides a framework for the establishment of trusts in Cyprus by non-residents. Cyprus is also a key regional domicile for investment funds and fund managers.


Licensed by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission

Why choose Cyprus?

Cyprus’s competitive advantages are significantly enhanced by an effective legal system and an attractive tax regime, which offers a wide range of incentives and advantages both for companies and individuals.
As a former British colony, Cyprus’ legal system is based on English Common Law principles and is widely recognised as providing transparency and reliability in business practices. Cyprus business legislation is also similar to that of the UK and, as a full EU member state, companies in Cyprus enjoy full access to European markets and EU trade agreements.
The key benefit of a Cyprus company is the uniform 12.5% corporate tax rate, which is one of lowest in the EU. Cyprus is also fully compliant with EU and international standards and provides access to an extensive network of more than 60 double tax treaties worldwide, including South Africa, Luxembourg, Mauritius, Singapore, the UK and the US. There is no tax on dividends, interest and rental income of non-domiciled individuals and no succession taxes.
In addition, Cyprus offers a dividend participation exemption, levies no tax on profits from disposal of securities, no withholding taxes, no tax on capital gains under certain conditions and no succession taxes. It also provides a Notional Interest Deduction (NID) on investment in Cypriot companies and an attractive intellectual property (IP) regime.
A company is considered to be tax resident in Cyprus if its business is managed and controlled in Cyprus. It does not have to limit its operations to Cyprus. There is also no restriction in relation to the residence or the nationality of the owner.

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