June’s Best Of list…
Best wine – Chateau Fonsalette 2000. Fonsalette is the third wine from the same makers of the legendary Rayas. A very light coloured and elegant Rhone which could easily be mistaken for Pinot Noir. I can’t afford Rayas but Fonsalette is a good substitute at 25% of the price.
Best restaurant – Arcane in Hong Kong. The chef used to own and run Pied a Terre in London and the food is excellent.
Best film – I found an oldie – Sunshine on Leith. A feel good movie for fans of the Proclaimers music.
Best music – It is a bit girly but I am loving the Sam Smith album.
Best book – The factual account of the Battle of Waterloo by Bernard Cromwell who wrote the fictional account featuring Sharpe. As it is the 200th anniversary of the Battle, I thought it would be good educational stuff…and it is.